Slaves Frequently Named Children After Other Family Members to Retain Family Continuity.

How Slavery Affected
African American Families

Heather Andrea Williams
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
National Humanities Middle Fellow
©National Humanities Centre

In some ways enslaved African American families very much resembled other families who lived in other times and places and under vastly different circumstances. Some husbands and wives loved each other; some did not get along. Children sometimes abided by parent's rules; other times they followed their own minds. Almost parents loved their children and wanted to protect them. In some critical ways, though, the slavery that marked everything about their lives made these families very different. Belonging to some other human being brought unique constrictions, disruptions, frustrations, and pain.

Slavery non only inhibited family unit germination simply fabricated stable, secure family life difficult if not impossible. Enslaved people could not legally marry in any American colony or state. Colonial and state laws considered them property and commodities, not legal persons who could enter into contracts, and marriage was, and is, very much a legal contract. This means that until 1865 when slavery ended in this land, the vast majority of African Americans could not legally marry. In northern states such as New York, Pennsylvania, or Massachusetts, where slavery had ended past 1830, costless African Americans could marry, but in the slave states of the South, many enslaved people entered into relationships that they treated similar marriage; they considered themselves husbands and wives even though they knew that their unions were not protected by state laws.

A male parent might take one owner, his "wife" and children another.Some enslaved people lived in nuclear families with a female parent, father, and children. In these cases each family member belonged to the same owner. Others lived in near-nuclear families in which the father had a different owner than the mother and children. Both slaves and slaveowners referred to these relationships betwixt men and women as "abroad marriages." A father might alive several miles away on a distant plantation and walk, usually on Wed nights and Sat evenings to meet his family as his obligation to provide labor for an owner took precedence over his personal needs.

This use of unpaid labor to produce wealth lay at the heart of slavery in America. Enslaved people usually worked from early in the morning until late at dark. Women often returned to work soon after giving birth, sometimes running from the fields during the day to feed their infants. On large plantations or farms, it was common for children to come up under the care of one enslaved woman who was designated to feed and watch over them during the day while their parents worked. Past the fourth dimension about enslaved children reached the age of seven or viii they were as well assigned tasks including taking care of owner's young children, fanning flies from the possessor's table, running errands, taking tiffin to owners' children at school, and eventually, working in the tobacco, cotton, corn, or rice fields forth with adults.

On large plantations, slave cabins and the yards of the slave quarters served as the middle of interactions among enslaved family unit members. Here were spaces primarily occupied by African Americans, somewhat removed from the labor of slavery or the scrutiny of owners, overseers, and patrollers. Many former slaves described their mothers cooking meals in the fireplace and sewing or quilting belatedly into the night. Fathers fished and hunted, sometimes with their sons, to provide nutrient to supplement the rations handed out by owners. Enslaved people held parties and prayer meetings in these cabins or far out in the woods beyond the hearing of whites. In the space of the slave quarters, parents passed on lessons of loyalty; messages about how to care for people; and stories of family genealogy. It was in the quarters that children watched adults create potions for healing, or select plants to produce dye for wear. It was here too, that adults whispered and cried about their impending sale past owners.

Family separation through sale was a constant threat.Enslaved people lived with the perpetual possibility of separation through the sale of i or more family unit members. Slaveowners' wealth lay largely in the people they owned, therefore, they oftentimes sold and or purchased people as finances warranted. A multitude of scenarios brought about sale. An enslaved person could be sold as office of an manor when his owner died, or because the owner needed to liquidate assets to pay off debts, or considering the possessor idea the enslaved person was a troublemaker. A father might be sold away by his owner while the mother and children remained behind, or the female parent and children might exist sold. Enslaved families were also divided for inheritance when an possessor died, or because the owners' adult children moved away to create new lives, taking some of the enslaved people with them. These decisions were, of class, across the control of the people whose lives they affected near. Sometimes an enslaved man or woman pleaded with an owner to purchase his or her spouse to avoid separation. The intervention was non always successful. Historian Michael Tadman has estimated that approximately i third of enslaved children in the upper South states of Maryland and Virginia experienced family unit separation in one of three possible scenarios: auction away from parents; sale with mother away from father; or sale of female parent or father abroad from child. The fear of separation haunted adults who knew how likely it was to happen. Young children, innocently unaware of the possibilities, learned quickly of the pain that such separations could cost.

Many owners encouraged marriage to protect their investment in their slaves.Paradoxically, despite the likelihood of breaking upwards families, family formation really helped owners to keep slavery in place. Owners debated amid themselves the benefits of enslaved people forming families. Many of them reasoned that having families fabricated it much less likely that a man or adult female would run abroad, thus depriving the owner of valuable property. Many owners encouraged marriage, devised the practice of "jumping the broom" as a ritual that enslaved people could engage in, and sometimes gave pocket-size gifts for the wedding. Some owners honored the choices enslaved people fabricated virtually whom their partners would be; other owners assigned partners, forcing people into relationships they would non have chosen for themselves.

Abolitionists attacked slavery by pointing to the impairment it inflicted upon families.Merely as owners used the formation of family ties to their own advantage, abolitionists used the specter of separation to argue against the establishment of slavery. Frederick Douglass, who was enslaved in Maryland earlier he escaped to Massachusetts and became an abolitionist stridently working to end slavery, began the narrative of his life by examining the event of slavery on his ain family. He never knew his begetter, he said, although he "heard information technology whispered" that information technology was his possessor. Further, he lived with his grandmother, while his mother lived and worked miles away, walking to meet him tardily at night. In his narrative, aimed at an abolitionist audience, Douglass suggested that slaveowners purposefully separated children from their parents in order to blunt the development of affection betwixt them. Similarly, white northern novelist and abolitionist, Harriet Beecher Stowe used the sale and separation of families as a sharp critique of slavery in her famous novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin. Abolitionists such every bit Douglass and Stowe argued that slavery was immoral on many grounds, and the devastation of families was i of them.

Following the Ceremonious State of war, when slavery finally ended in America subsequently nearly two hundred and fifty years, former slaves took measures to formalize their family relations, to find family members, and to put their families back together. During slavery, many people formed new families after separation, just many of them also held on to memories of the loved ones they had lost through sale. Starting in 1866, hundreds of people placed advertisements in newspapers searching for family unit members. They also sent messages to the Freedmen's Bureau to enlist the regime's assistance in finding relatives. Parents returned to the places from which they had been sold to have their children from onetime owners who wanted to hold on to them to put them to work. And, thousands of African American men and women formalized marriages now that it was possible to practice so. Some married the person with whom they had lived during slavery, while others legalized new relationships.

Guiding Student Discussion

I find that the most exhilarating and meaningful discussions occur when students have an opportunity to appoint with chief sources. Working with documents helps students to develop analytical and investigative skills and tin give them a sense of how historians come to their understandings of the past. Interacting directly with documents can besides assist students to retain information and ideas. I offering a few primary sources here that should stimulate discussion and help students to imagine what life may have been similar in the past.


Equally English colonists began the process of putting slavery into identify, they paid careful attention to family arrangements among enslaved people. Legislators in Virginia and Massachusetts passed laws in the 1600s making articulate that the rules would be unlike for slaves and that family unit would not offer protection from slavery. The following is a Virginia statute that changed the English common law provision that a father's condition adamant his children's status.

Virginia Statutes: Human action XII (1662) (Hening 2:170)

Negro womens children to serve according to the condition of the mother

Whereas some doubts take arisen whether children got by any Englishman upon a negro woman should be slave or free, Be information technology therefore enacted and declared by this present grand assembly, that all children borne in this state shall be held bail or gratis only according to the condition of the female parent, and that if any Christian shall commit fornication with a negro man or woman, he or she so offending shall pay double the fines imposed past the erstwhile act.

Students volition likely notice the language of this statute a bit disruptive, but will too savour deciphering information technology. Depending on the historic period and maturity of your students and the strictures of your school commune, you lot may want to cut the last section regarding fornication. You tin can have an interesting discussion here nearly the function of the state (or colony in this case) in determining who would be a slave and who would be free. A child'southward status was ready at nascency and followed that of its mother, not the begetter as might accept been expected. Inquire students why they think slaveowners, many of whom were represented in colonial legislatures, would accept wanted this provision. How did it help them? What concerns were they attempting to satisfy here? What would exist the status of a child born to an enslaved mother and white, slaveowning begetter? What touch on might this have had on blackness men who were being denied the right to determine the status of their children fifty-fifty though they lived in a patriarchal society in which men were more often than not dominant?

Note for students that because whites were not enslaved in America, the children of a white female parent and enslaved begetter was automatically free, just in some colonies and after states, legislation punished white women and their mixed-race children by apprenticing the children until adulthood and extending the period of service for the white adult female if she was an indentured retainer. What were the implications of such penalization? What bulletin did legislatures transport about the ideal racial makeup of families?

Conflicts over whether parents or owners had command over enslaved children.

The post-obit paragraph is from Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, written by Harriet Jacobs, a former slave, in 1861.

My father, by his nature, every bit well as past the habit of transacting business equally a good mechanic, had more of the feelings of a freeman than is common among slaves. My blood brother was a spirited male child; and being brought up nether such influences, he early on detested the name of master and mistress. I day, when his begetter and his mistress had happened to call him at the aforementioned time, he hesitated betwixt the two; being perplexed to know which had the strongest claim upon his obedience. He finally concluded to go to his mistress. When my father reproved him for it, he said, "You both called me, and I didn't know which I ought to go to first."

"You are my child," replied our male parent, "and when I phone call yous, y'all should come immediately, if yous accept to pass through fire and water."

Poor Willie! He was now to learn his first lesson of obedience to a

In this cursory passage, Jacobs takes us into the world of one enslaved family unit. Y'all might brainstorm the discussion by encouraging students to draw the scene in their own words. This do will crave them to focus closely on the details of the episode. Every bit a child Jacobs lived in Edenton, North Carolina, in the eastern, highly agronomical function of the country. This incident likely took identify in the yard betwixt the owner's home and where the slaves lived, a space that would have been occupied by both possessor and owned. Ask students to retrieve about what the setting might have been.

Jacobs describes William every bit "perplexed," what calculations do students think he made in the moments before he went to his owner's wife? Why did he have to think virtually it? What lessons had he already learned well-nigh power equally it related to him, an enslaved child? Why did he brand decision that he ultimately did?

This incident illuminates tensions in the roles that enslaved people had to play in their lives. William's begetter understood that someone else owned both him and his son, only he seems to have wanted to resist being completely powerless. He appealed to his son to recognize that their relationship made the father every bit important, and possibly as powerful, as their owner. This father's reaction raises interesting questions about manhood also as the prerogatives of enslaved parents. Ask pupil to explore these tensions. How practice they imagine that William'southward begetter felt? What do his words tell us about his feelings? What claims was he making despite his condition as a slave. Did he put his son at risk by demanding obedience?

Note for the students that although many enslaved children grew up autonomously from their fathers, some had fathers in their homes. This is one instance. How do students imagine that other enslaved parents might take handled similar dilemmas regarding obedience and loyalty?

Running away to find family members. This advertising is from the New Orleans Lilliputian, April 11, 1846.

Ad in the New Orleans Picayune, April 11, 1846

This advertisement for a teenaged boy who ran away is compelling on many levels. In this context, however, the last lines of the advert are most relevant: "Captains of vessels and steamboats are cautioned confronting receiving him on board, as he may effort to escape to Memphis, Tenn., where he has a sis belonging to me, hired to Z. Randolp." Equally with then many enslaved people who ran away, Jacob went in search of family. Encourage students to practise a close reading and analysis of the ad. How practise they suppose Isaac Pipkin knew what vesture Jacob had on when he left? Is information technology likely that an enslaved boy owned a blackness bearskin coat? What well-nigh the pistols? Who did those probable belong to? Jacob was quite a altitude away from his sister—how do students imagine Jacob knew where she was?

Data Wanted Ads. This advert was placed in the Colored Tennessean newspaper in Nashville, Tennessee on Oct 7, 1865.

Ad in the Colored Tennessean newspaper in Nashville, Tennessee, October 7, 1865

INFORMATION is wanted of my mother, whom I left in Fauquier county, Va., in 1844, and I was sold in Richmond, Va., to Saml. Copeland. I formerly belonged to Robert Rogers. I am very broken-hearted to hear from my female parent, and any information in relation to her whereabouts will exist very thankfully received. My mother'due south name was Betty, and was sold by Col. Briggs to James French.—Whatever information past letter of the alphabet, addressed to the Colored Tennessean, Box 1150, volition be thankfully received.


Encourage students to brainstorm virtually every detail that Thornton Copeland squeezed into this advertising of half dozen lines. Some topics you lot might explore include the following. His female parent'south name—he gave a first name only and even that might have changed over time. What about Thornton Copeland's own terminal proper name? Why did he identify his former possessor? How long had mother and son been apart? What do students make of the fact that he was searching for his mother after all those years?

Nosotros do not know if Thornton Copeland or the other thousands of people who searched for family members ever establish them. It may be interesting to have students think most what would happen if people did find each other. What sorts of adjustments might they have had to make? What if a husband or wife had remarried? What if children no longer recognized their parents?

Scholars Debate

The most significant argue regarding the history of African American families was sparked not by an historian, but by sociologist and policy maker, afterward Senator from New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan (1927-2003). In 1965, equally an employee of the Function of Policy Planning in the Labor Department during the Johnson Administration, Moynihan released a report chosen, "The Negro Family: The Example for National Action. Cartoon on the work of sociologist East. Franklin Frazer, Moynihan traced issues he said African Americans encountered in 1965 back to slavery. Although he acknowledged "a racist virus in the American bloodstream," and noted three centuries of "unimaginable mistreatment," Moynihan blamed what he saw equally the disintegration of poor, urban blackness families squarely on slavery. He said slavery had developed a "fatherless matrifocal (mother-centered) pattern" within black families. Men, he claimed, did not learn roles of providing and protecting, and this shortcoming passed downwardly through generations. Moynihan discussed racism and chronic employment and its effects on African Americans, only information technology was his description of a matrifocal family and its "tangle of pathology" that drew attending both from those who disagreed with him and those who supported his findings.

In response to the Moynihan Report, historian Herbert Gutman undertook an extensive written report of African American families. His book titled The Blackness Family in Slavery and Freedom, 1750-1925 was published in 1976. He reasoned that if Moynihan was right, then there should have been a prevalence of adult female-headed households during slavery and in the years immediately following emancipation. Instead, Gutman found that at the terminate of the Civil War, in Virginia, for example, about families of former slaves had two parents, and most older couples had lived together for a long fourth dimension. He attributed these findings to resiliency among African Americans who created new families later on owners sold their original families autonomously. Moynihan and Frazier, Gutman concluded, had "underestimated the adaptive capacities of the enslaved and those built-in to them and their children."

Sources for Farther Reading

  1. E. Franklin Frazier, The Negro Family unit in the U.s. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1939).
  2. Herbert G. Gutman, The Blackness Family unit in Slavery and Freedom, 1750-1925.
  3. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, "The Negro Family unit: The Case for National Activeness," 1965.
  4. "The Negro Family: The Case for National Action" (The Moynihan Written report), 1965.


1Harriet A. Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Daughter: Written by Herself (Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard University Printing, 1987), 9.

Heather Andrea Williams is an associate professor of history at the University of Northward Carolina at Chapel Hill. In 2007-08 she was a Young man of the National Humanities Center. Professor Williams teaches and writes nearly African Americans in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with accent in the American South. Her book, Cocky-Taught: African American Education in Slavery and Liberty, published past the Academy of North Carolina Printing in 2005, received several volume awards, including the Lillian Smith Book Prize. She is currently writing a book on separation of African American families during the antebellum period and efforts to reunify families following emancipation.

To cite this essay:
Williams, Heather Andrea. "How Slavery Affected African American Families." Freedom's Story, TeacherServe©. National Humanities Center. DATE YOU ACCESSED ESSAY. <>


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